Clothing & Accessories in Nottingham
Browse our Nottingham directory for businesses and orgranisations relating to Clothing & Accessories in Nottingham. Our directory is new and currently expanding to provide more Nottingham Clothing & Accessories listings. If you represent a Nottingham business or organisation, you can get listed in our directory for free - join our network or find out more about our free advertising services.
Results 1 to 3 of 3 |
Feminine Plus
Feminine Plus - Simple, sophisticated, affordable exceptional quality British made lingerie in sizes 14-32. We were always really surprised at how few good quality, classic, great fitting lingerie...
68 Wellington Street, Long Eaton, Nottingham. Tel: 0844 335 1913
My Loafers
My Loafers is a specialist online loafer retailer. Get must-have loafers including driving shoes, moccasins, slip ons and mules inspired by the latest trends and classic styles. We believe that...
1 Union Street, Long Eaton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire. Tel: Not Listed
Ash Grey Millinery
Ashley Graham is a fully qualified Australian milliner, trained by some of the best working milliners in the world. She has a degree in Visual Arts from Deakin University and Millinery Certificate 2,...
9 Welbeck Walk, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire. Tel: Not Listed
Results 1 to 3 of 3 |
- Antiques
- Books
- Clothing & Accessories
- Alterations & Repairs
- Army Surplus Stores
- Baby Clothing & Accessories
- Children's Clothes
- Clothes Hire
- Clothing Manufacturers & Wholesalers
- Dressmakers
- Fancy Dress
- Handbags, Luggage & Accessories
- Knitwear Retailers
- Leather Garments
- Lingerie & Hosiery Retailers
- Men's Clothes
- School Uniforms
- Shoe Manufacturers & Wholesalers
- Shoe Repairs
- Shoe Shops
- Specialist Clothing Shops
- T-shirts
- Tailors
- Uniforms
- Women's Clothes
- Workwear
- Department Stores
- Discount Shopping
- Electrical Goods
- Flowers & Gifts
- Jewellery
- Leisure & Hobbies
- Mobile Phones
- Music Shops & Companies
- Musical Instruments
- New Age Shops
- Newsagents
- Retail Services
- Shopping From Home
- Shopping Venues
- Toys & Games
- Weddings